- - - - - (540) Title screen advancing input: 540 (266) Switching to Expert mode: 806 (69) Confirming Expert mode: 875 (71) Choosing 1st image: 946 (1 frame delay for RNG manipulation) (243) Starting 1st image search: 1189 (125) Last pause-able frame of 1st image search: 1314 (107 = 106 + 1) Advancing past 1st scoreboard screen: 1421 (147 = 146 + 1) Choosing 2nd image: 1568 (1 frame delay for RNG manipulation) (252) Starting 2nd image search: 1820 (129) Last pause-able frame of 2nd image search: 1949 (106 = 106 + 0) Advancing past 2nd scoreboard screen: 2055 (146 = 146 + 0) Choosing 3rd image: 2201 (247) Starting 3rd image search: 2448 (73) Last pause-able frame of 3rd image search: 2521 (107 = 106 + 1) Advancing past 3rd scoreboard screen: 2628 (146 = 146 + 0) Choosing 4th image: 2774 (0 frame delays) (246) Starting 4th image search: 3020 (136) Last pause-able frame of 4th image search: 3156 (107 = 106 + 1) Advancing past 4th scoreboard screen: 3263 (146 = 146 + 0) Choosing 5th image: 3409 (0 frame delays) (254) Starting 5th image search: 3663 (117) Last pause-able frame of 5th image search: 3780 (107 = 106 + 1) Advancing past 5th scoreboard screen (last frame with input): 3887 - - - - -